Sunday, February 1, 2009

"Pierce is the Celtics only reserve"- Sports Article Review

The Celtics only getting two all- stars was a shock to most Boston Celtics fans. The statistics and play of the Big Three and Rajon Rondo are hard to ignore. In a Boston Globe article (link below) writer Marc Spears gives the reader different sides of the story. Instead of making this an opinion article, he makes all of his points through comments made by the players and administration of the Boston Celtics. When writing for sports, writers have a tendency to be bias. Whether it’s liking a team and bashing a player writing around those feelings is hard when you’re a sports fan.

In the article titled “Pierce is the Celtics’ only reserve” Spears does a good job leaving his opinion out and giving the readers just hard facts. Throughout the entire article he gives a statement then follows with a quote explaining that statement. Whether or not Spears personal views are in the story, it is not evident to the reader. By leaving his opinion out, it makes the article stronger and allows the reader to create his or her own opinion about the topic. As a sports fan this makes the article more exciting to read.

After reading the article it is evident that Spears did his homework on the Boston Celtics, both past and present. If you are or aren’t a Celtics fan you are able to gain some knowledge on the team and its personnel. At the same time, he provides facts about different teams and players around the league. Comparing and contrasting the players that made the all-star team to the players that didn’t is a great tactic. As a huge Boston Celtics fan, I am still bitter about the fact that we didn’t get more than two all-stars. Spears comparison fueled my anger because the statistics don’t lie and players like Ray Allen and Rajon Rondo should have been named all-stars.

Another aspect I enjoyed about Spears article is the usage of quotes. The content of all of his quotes wrapped the story together and were placed perfectly within the story. Reading quotes from Danny Ainge and Doc Rivers makes for a strong sports piece. Hearing from past players and now coaches and general managers adds value and strength because they have been around the league for so long. They know what makes a good player and what makes an all-star.

All in all, I feel that this was a great article and an example of “good” sports journalism. The facts and statistics are there and his opinion is not. Spears did his homework and it shows.

Marc Spears. January 30,2009.

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